Thursday, January 28, 2010

LED Light Therapy ROCKS!

Anti-Aging Benefits Of LED Therapy... 

LED light therapy is one of the newest; most celebrated and documented treatment for aging and damaged skin. It uses your body's natural process to heal.

LED light therapy penetrates beneath the surface of the skin. It pulls collagen to the surface to fill-in lines and wrinkles. Studies have shown skin exposed to LED light therapy will heal 150%-200% faster, and LED light therapy is established in the medical field but now is getting recognized as an  acne and anti-aging regime.

LED light therapy is safe and effective for all skin types. Used and recommended by dermatologists LED light therapy has no side effects, non-invasive and  pain-free!

LED Light Therapy


LED is a noninvasive approach to working with light, and during the past 10 years, independent worldwide research from organizations such as NASA has shown that light applied in the correct wavelength stimulates intercellular communication, resulting in skin rejuvenation.

Usage of LED light

LED are semiconductor devices that emit incoherent narrow-spectrum light when electrically biased in a forward direction. This effect is a form of electroluminescence. The color of the emitted light depends on the composition and condition of the semi conducting metal used and can be near ultraviolet (UV), visible or infrared (IR). Electromagnetic waves exist with an enormous range of frequencies. This continuous range of frequencies is known as the electromagnetic spectrum. 

Visible light is detectable by the human eye and consists of wavelengths ranging from 400 (violet)–700 nm (red). UV and IR are considered to be light, yet cannot be seen by the naked eye. UV light has shorter wavelengths than visible light. IR light has a range of wavelengths, just like visible light has wavelengths ranging from red light to violet. Near infrared light is closest in wavelength to visible light, and far infrared is close to the microwave region of the electromagnetic spectrum. Far infrared waves are thermal; and recently were proven to have wonderful benefits on the body; as with used on the face. The Infra Red Body wrap is a thermal wave light; I use in my spa treatments for weight loss and pain management.

Intercellular action – Light is both absorbed and scattered by matter. The photon – the fundamental unit of light – behaves like a wave. It takes both particle and wave action to effect absorption and scattering. When light is absorbed by the skin (60%), it is converted into energy as heat.

The photon literally gives up its energy to a specific molecule in the material. The cells absorb the photo energy, which increases circulation and oxygen flow while releasing toxins. Hence, promoting weight loss and giving the skin a magnificent glow, for weeks thereafter. Applied to the facial tissues; clears teen and adult acne and softening fine lines, used often diminishes deep  set wrinkles. 

Light Therapy is certainly the wave of the future; however; I have been performing LED Light Therapy at my Day Spa for my private clients for over eight years now. The results have always been positive, in curing many skin conditions; from acne to anti-aging to burns.  Often relieving ladies with dark skin that was burned by Laser Hair Removal. Many of the clients struggling with Roseaca were pleased with the turnout of the Light Therapy procedures that I treated them with.

Throughout the years of working with Light Therapy, I also observed; the correction of very sun damaged skins, uneven skin tones; hyper pigmentation issues and also with correcting skin texture. I have found that the Ziba Botanical Skincare Serums work the very best with the Lights; and offer them for sale, call to ask about our effective Skin lightening treatments and Acne Rx Serums.

The last five years, I have been pleased to promote the Infra Red and Far Infra Red Slimming and Detox treatment in Body wrapping and learned that it also helped with Minor Pain management. I have helped many clients that suffered from Arthritis; or became injured at the gym with muscle damage or sprains from playing a specific sport.

The latest in using lights; is teeth whitening, with Blue light. I was so excited to add this non-invasive service to my menu; it is a welcoming and familiar treatment that I assisted the dentist with in my many many years in the dental field. The many Benefits of LED have played an important role in aiding the practioner in correcting many skin conditions and client concerns. Much success has been achieved in weight loss and deep to the bone, detoxifying the body that our cells tend to hold on to for years, until new technologies like Light Therapy are professionally applied.

The results of Light therapy have been profound in a very positive way; for all ages; all across the board. I personally enjoyed using light Therapy because it works, secondly: there is no down time. Most important to me; the client feels and sees the notable improvements!

Ask about our fabulous Ziba Botanical Serum formulations that are clinically proven to actively correct and balance the skin.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

New Years Special

The Ziba Mini facial is an Express Half Hour Facial that includes a double cleanse;  using a mild cleanse first;  removing makeup and oils, softening the skin with aromatic pure essential oils. The Limu cleanser will remineralize and the Oxygen cleanser will feed; energerize  and oxygenate the skin. Followed by a toner with geranium; then our yummy honey and almond scrub, for a deep pore cleanse. A gentle moisture mask with healing aloe vera and calming camomile will paper your skin and  the last step is our exclusive vitamin packed  oil free sunscreen to protect your skin and lock in moisture .

Facials are enjoyed with warm steam; to relax and open up clogged pores and a Relaxing 20 minute "Spinal Air massage". AAAAHHHH what a treat!

A FREE Product sample is given  out for your Skin type to try and enjoy at home.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Winter SkinCare

(Article provided by Ziba day spa & art gallery )

Weather conditions can vary greatly in the winter months and depending on where you live or where you'll be vacationing, you'll need the low- down on climate appropriate skin care.

In cold climates, dryness is our very worse enemy. Dry flaking skin, chapped cracked lips, windburn, rashes, and even blisters come with extreme cold and the artifically heated homes. The cold climates also bring the dangers of sun exposure. If you are skiing, watch out for the sunburn (Sun reflects off water as well as the snow in the winter) -and in extreme cases-frostbite! In mild or tropical winter climates, we still experience dryness. Often, with slightly cooler weather, we become lax in sun protection. Also, buildings tend to be way over-heated even in mild climates, and artifical environments can be rough on your skin. Prevent loss of moisture and replenish what moisture you know you will lose by following your prescribed skin-care routine.

Start with a Renewal peel, I like the Enzyme Pumpkin peel, to strip that winter rough skin and boost with a protien mask. Always use a moisture sunscreen year round. A humidifier to increase the needed moisture in the air is a keen notion. Maintain a well balanced and proper diet with lots of needed pure water!

It's toner time...what's that mean? 
We are aware of the toner to moisturize the skin; however; it does even more than that. Men and women alike are reaping the benefits of using a quality professional toner to balance the PH levels; refine; stop bacteria; and to protect the delicate skin. Some toners are designed to increase blood-flow as well as stop harmful acne causing bacteria! Ask your skincare professional and turn winter weakness into a winter wonder -land for your precious skin.

© Copyright 2008 Ziba Day Spa 
(949) 376-1520

Disclaimer: The above information is presented for educational purposes only. Statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. Products mentioned are not intended or effective for the treatment or prevention of any disease. Consult your physician for all your health needs.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Melanoma on the Rise

Diagnosis and  prevention tips by:
MS. Katherine M. Vaccaro PMA

Melanoma is diagnosed by a pathologist who looks at the tissue under a microscope and is able to identify if melanoma cells are present. Attempts are often made to stage the melanoma; Melanoma is staged on a scale of 1 to 4, with stage 1 indicating a thin less severve melanoma and stage 4 indicating an advanced cancer. Which has spread to other parts of the body. Based on the stage of the melanoma, appropriate treatment is recommended by a practing physician. Facts compiled from the American cancer Society


Professional Sunscreen; Sun/Ultra violet light protective clothing. Why is sun protection so important? Skin cancer is growing at an alarming rate. 2007 statistics from the American Cancer Society show that. Be informed that;the mere fact is... 1 in every 5 Americans will develop skin cancer at some point durning their life time! 5 or more sunburns durning your life time doubles your risk of developing skin cancer.

SUN especially important in children because sunburns in early life can lead to  deadly cancers in adulthood. 80% of lifetime sun damage occurs in early childhood.
* Kids rarely allow proper sunscreen application when they play outdoors, ride bikes, go to recess or play on the play ground. Be be advised and aware of this important life saving information and use the proper sunscreen on yourself and loved ones.

1 person dies almost every hour (every 67 minuites from this disease!)

Staggering Stats!

Both Ultra violet A (UVA) and Ultra violet B (UVB) rays can cause skin cancer. You can protect your skin and your eyes  however; in many different ways; including  a sunscreen with outstanding ingredients, seeking the shade when needed, wearing hats and sunglasses.

SPF stands for "Sun Protective Factor" ...almost a household word; but still not completely clear of the  rating or  proper usage. The rating is based on using 1 ounce of product per full body application. So lets say ...if your bottle of sunscreen is 4 ounces; that means you would use 1/4th of that rating each time you use it.

The million dollar question is... are you using enough sunscreen? For the majority of us; the answer is no.

Statistically, most people only use about 1/3rd of the recommended amount of sunscreen or none at all.

If you use a SPF 15 it must be reapplied every hour and a half in order to provide the proper protection.
If you use a SPF 30 ( and you should) you will only need to reapply every 3 hours for the correct sun protection from direct sun light  exposure.
Remember that water, humidity, and sweating decreases the effectiveness of sunscreen and numerous re applications are  extremely necessary.


Normal summer clothing does not fully protect your skin from the damaging rays of the sun; as they rate less than SPF 8 when wet. A garment with a UPF of 50 only allows 1/50th of the UV radiation falling on the surface of the garment to pass through it, in other words it blocks 49/50th or 98% of the UV radiation factors such as  a tighter knit or weave, thickness and dark color can increase UPF.


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